Le Regroupement
Founded in 1976, the Regroupement des Personnes Handicapées Région du Haut-Richelieu (RPHRHR) ensures the well-being of people with physical or intellectual disabilities. The Regroupement is now firmly established in the community. With more than 250 members, the organization is a key player, a major stakeholder and a credible advocate for issues related to the defence of rights, and meeting the needs and delivering services for people with disabilities.
Our goal is to foster the full inclusion and contribution of people with disabilities to the social development of their communities. To achieve this, the Regroupement has the following mandates:
Become a member?
- Promote the autonomy and development of persons with disabilities;
- Promote the collective and individual rights of persons with disabilities and undertake any actions deemed necessary in this respect by any public or private stakeholder;
- Receive comments and requests from people with disabilities and take appropriate action;
- Represent the region's disabled people to any other organization in the territory in order to promote their interests;
- Organize or participate in any activity whose objectives are synergistic with those of the Regroupement;
- Organize any funding activity necessary to achieve the objectives of the Regroupement.
The RPHRHR also works to promote and foster access to all programs and services, including:
- Personalized health care;
- Academic and vocational training;
- Employment (including equal opportunity);
- Adapted transit;
- Programs and services offered by any governmental authority for persons who are unable to earn an income;
- Reasonable and sufficient monthly financial assistance to meet their needs in dignity.